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We have successfully developed & manufactured enzyme products for applications in food, pet-food, and life science. Select your industry sector and application and choose from our extensive portfolio of enzyme products.

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13 Products
Lipomod 166MDP
Fun­gal lipase with pref­er­ence for hydrol­y­sis of medi­um and long chain fat­ty acids from triglyc­erides pro­duc­ing del­i­cate flavours and cream notes in Enzyme Mod­i­fied Cheese (EMC).
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Lipomod 281MDP
A fun­gal lipase designed specif­i­cal­ly as a micro­bial alter­na­tive to porcine pan­cre­at­ic lipase to match the sim­i­lar flavour pro­file often achieved using ani­mal-derived enzymes in Enzyme Mod­i­fied Cheese (EMC).
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Lipomod 34MDP
High­ly active lipase with broad speci­fici­ty towards short, medi­um and long chain fat­ty acids. Suit­able for the effec­tive hydrol­y­sis of dairy and ani­mal fats, oils and egg.
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Lipomod 4MDP
Micro­bial lipase with high speci­fici­ty towards the release of short chain fat­ty acids from dairy fat sub­strates. Lipo­mod 4MDP pro­duces a well-round­ed and bal­anced mature cheese flavour.
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Lipomod 691MDP
Fun­gal lipase prepa­ra­tion for pro­duc­ing Enzyme Mod­i­fied Cheese (EMC) with a well-round­ed creamy flavour profile.
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Lipomod 699L
Ani­mal-derived phos­pho­li­pase A2 for the mod­i­fi­ca­tion of egg yolk to improve vis­cos­i­ty and heat sta­bil­i­ty in may­on­naise manufacture.
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Lipomod 70MDP
High­ly effec­tive micro­bial lipase for the effi­cient hydrol­y­sis of plant-derived oils for the pro­duc­tion of high qual­i­ty free fat­ty acids.
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Lipomod 767P
High­ly effec­tive tri­a­cyl­glyc­erol lipase for the hydrol­y­sis of short, medi­um and long chain fat­ty acids on all 3 posi­tions of fat and oil sub­strates. Suit­able for fat split­ting and lecithin modification.
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Lipomod 768MDP
Fun­gal lipase prepa­ra­tion active against all 3 posi­tions on tri­a­cyl­glyc­erol sub­strates hydrolysing short, medi­um and long chain fat­ty acids to pro­duce a unique fat­ty acid flavour pro­file in Enzyme Mod­i­fied Cheese (EMC).
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Lipomod 801MDP
Micro­bial alter­na­tive to pan­cre­at­ic lipase, with low lev­el of pro­tease activ­i­ty to pro­duce an intense free fat­ty acid flavour with brothy and sul­phur under­tone notes in Enzyme Mod­i­fied Cheese (EMC).
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Lipomod 833L2
Micro­bial phos­pho­li­pase A2 for the hydrol­y­sis of fat­ty acids at posi­tion 2 of the phos­pho­lipid for the pro­duc­tion of lyso-lecithin emulsifiers.
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Lipomod 888MDP
Micro­bial alter­na­tive to pan­cre­at­ic lipase for broad hydrol­y­sis of fat sub­strates for the gen­er­a­tion of flavour com­pounds to improve pet food palatability.
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Regional regulations for use of these enzymes in mentioned applications apply - check with Biocatalysts for latest approval in your region.

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