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Enzyme Products

We have successfully developed & manufactured enzyme products for applications in food, pet-food, and life science. Select your industry sector and application and choose from our extensive portfolio of enzyme products.

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136 Products
Amylase 11MDP
Rapid diges­tion of starch designed for use in dietary sup­ple­ment formulations.
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Catalase 929L
Removal of hydro­gen per­ox­ide used as a pro­cess­ing step to assist ster­il­i­sa­tion of food ingredients.
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Cellulase 13L
A high per­for­mance cel­lu­lase with beta-glu­canase and beta-glu­cosi­dase side activ­i­ties to con­tribute to a com­plete cel­lu­lose breakdown.
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Liq­uid con­cen­trat­ed heat sta­ble alpha-amy­lase for adjunct brew­ing, both GM and non-GM ver­sions available
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Liq­uid ace­to­lac­tate decar­boxy­lase for faster beer maturation
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DELTABREW® Attenumax
Liq­uid glu­coamy­lase for very high attenuation
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Liq­uid bac­te­r­i­al alpha-amy­lase for starch liquefaction
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Liq­uid beta-glu­canase for vis­cos­i­ty reduc­tion and beer fil­tra­tion improve­ment, both GM and non-GM ver­sions available
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Liq­uid neu­tral pro­tease for enhanced fer­men­ta­tion and brewing
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Liq­uid fun­gal alpha-amy­lase for atten­u­a­tion in brewing
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DELTABREW® Lautermax
Liq­uid xylanase and glu­canase com­plex for vis­cos­i­ty reduc­tion and bet­ter wort fil­tra­tion with up to 30% adjuncts, both GM and non-GM ver­sions available
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DELTABREW® Lautermax Craft
Liq­uid xylanase and glu­canase com­plex for vis­cos­i­ty reduc­tion and bet­ter wort fil­tra­tion with up to 20% adjuncts
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Regional regulations for use of these enzymes in mentioned applications apply - check with Biocatalysts for latest approval in your region.

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