2207 BRAIN Biotech
2207 BRAIN Biotech

BRAIN Biotech AG sharpens focus on profitable growth

Published 12 December 2024
Home/ Media & Resources/ BRAIN Biotech AG sharpens focus on profitable growth
  • Combination of BioProducts segment and BioScience Zwingenberg to form the new growth segment BRAINBiocatalysts
  • Five-year targets in the BRAINBiocatalysts segment: revenues of EUR 100 million, 15% adjusted EBITDA margin and high R&D ratio
  • Completed transactions with Royalty Pharma and Akribion Therapeutics

BRAIN Biotech AG is creating the new growth segment BRAINBiocatalysts in the new financial year 2024/2025, announced at today's Fifth Capital markets Day in Zwingenberg. Bringing together the two previous segments BioProducts and BioScience Zwingenberg ensures an efficient integration of research activities and enables a sharpened focus on the enzyme business to further strengthen the company's liquidity position and profitability.

For the full press release click here

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