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Fruit & Vegetables

NATUZYM® customised enzyme formulations for Fruit & Vegetable processing

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NATUZYM® fruit & vegetable processing
Fruits and vegetables are processed into juices, purees, compotes, jellies, jams and marmalades, canned products, etc. Typically, enzymes such as pectinases, cellulases, beta-glucanases and hemicellulases are used to improve processing such as higher yields, solid-liquid separation, filtration, depectinisation and concentration, maintenance of texture and appearance. Pectinases in particular are employed for juices from apples and pears and also those made from berries and tropical fruits. NATUZYM® tailored enzyme products are well-known by many of our clients as the reliable solution that improves the economics and processing efficiency of apples, pears, citrus and stone fruits and fruits such as peaches, strawberries and many other berries. Also processing of vegetables such as sugar beets, carrots and olives can benefit from yield improvement that results from tailored usage of NATUZYM® enzymes.
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