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BRAIN-Biocatalysts Life Science Solutions:

Enzyme Solutions for Small Molecule APIs and Biologics

Home/ Sectors/ Pharmaceuticals
Your flexible end-to-end enzyme development and scale-up partner for small molecule API and biologics production
At BRAIN-Biocatalysts, we specialise in delivering innovative enzyme solutions tailored for the pharmaceutical industry. Our comprehensive capabilities enable our partners to accelerate drug development, safeguard their intellectual property, and seamlessly scale from enzyme discovery to full-scale production. Whether you're developing next-generation therapies or advancing pharmaceutical processes, we're here to ensure your success at every step of the journey. By leveraging the strengths of both companies, we simplify biocatalysis, delivering tailored, scalable solutions that ensure your product, your IP, and your future are fully supported.
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End-to-end partner for enzyme solutions

End to end partner

The only company offering complete adaptable enzyme development and scale-up solutions to support the evolving need of the life science industry

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Your Product | Your IP | Your Future

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